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High-quality Ukrainian women VS low-quality Ukrainian women

Like women in every country, there are high-quality ladies and low-quality bitches. Luckily, the percentage of high-quality women in Ukraine is higher because most Ukrainian girls are gorgeous, intelligent, elegant, kind and caring. Now I’d like to talk about how to tell the difference between a high-quality Ukrainian lady and a low-quality Ukrainian basic bitch.


A high-quality Ukrainian girl values wisdom, knowledge and learning, whereas a low-quality Ukrainian woman values superficial things. Picking up Ukrainian girls on a university campus is always a good idea because the university has filtered women for you: Ladies who go to university are usually young, attractive and intelligent. Better still, many of them are single Ukrainian ladies looking for love. Therefore, you would be well-advised to fly to Ukraine and pick up girls on a university campus there. If you can’t afford that, you either need to work on your finances and become a financially free man, or you can pick up Ukrainian girls who are international students in your country. On the contrary, women who never have a degree/didn’t finish school/doesn’t even open a book are probably low-value women that you want to avoid, if you are looking for a Ukrainian wife rather than a Ukrainian lover.

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A high-quality Ukrainian lady respects men, whilst a low-quality Ukrainian bitch feels entitled. In traditional Ukrainian culture, women must respect men because men are the breadwinners of their households – men are the providers of their families. Indeed, there are many polite and respectful girls in Ukraine. But there are also some rude women in Ukraine who don’t appreciate men. When you go out on a date with a lady from Ukraine, does she say “thank you” when you open the door for her? Does she show gratitude when you are paying the bill at the end of the dinner? Does she appreciate the good time that you have given her? If you feel that you are always walking on eggshells around her, probably she feels entitled. You are supposed to be her boyfriend or husband, not her slave!

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A high-quality Ukrainian bride is your partner, while a low-quality Ukrainian whore is your “sister”. When you are looking for a Ukrainian wife, don’t just focus on a woman’s appearance because that’s the most delusional aspect of a woman. Beauties from Ukraine know how to use makeup, so their looks aren’t always what you see (what you see isn’t what you get)! In contrast, if you focus on a woman’s capabilities, then you are more likely to find a true partner rather than a trophy wife. For instance, you can look at a Ukrainian beauty’s skills and qualifications – if you run a company, can she be your business manager? At the end of the day, marriage is a partnership, not an arrangement. If your Ukrainian girlfriend behaves like a damaged girl that constantly needs your attention, affection and help, probably she wants to play the “sister” role who needs your support all her life! In that case, you would be ill-advised to marry her and stay in a miserable marriage.

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A high-quality Ukrainian stunner is open-minded, but a low-quality Ukrainian control freak only wants everything to be done in her way. Some high-value stunners from Ukraine are happy to learn new languages, travel to foreign countries, experience different cultures and cook various foods. If you marry a Ukrainian bride like that, there will be less conflict in your marriage because she knows how to adapt. By contrast, some low-value Ukrainian gals may want to control everything – you have to listen to her and follow her instructions. If she doesn’t like your friends, you have to leave your friends. If she wants to do XYZ, you can’t do ABC. Clearly, it’s a very unhealthy relationship that you must avoid at all costs! The last thing you want to do is to marry such a cunt and become depressed for the rest of your life because if you don’t do everything her way, she will divorce you and take away half of your money – how depressing is that?!


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