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How to Dress to Interest Ukrainian Women?

A question that requires an immediate answer, because 60 percent of your success depends on your appearance, whether your meeting will be successful or whether you will again have to dawdle sadly through clubs and pubs in search of a new object of love.
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How to dress to interest Ukrainian girls?
Before you chose the clothes for a date with a girl, it is worth considering what the girl herself will wear, what style of clothes best corresponds to her character, manners, situation.

Your style preferences should not be polar. If she prefers a sporting style, then you should not cling to a classic costume or a monastic robe for joint walks. This is the basic rule, the violation of which is fraught with embarrassing situations and inconsistencies when dealing with girls.

All other rules can be grouped into a small list:

  • To focus on minimalism both in the number of garments and in the number of their colors;
  • To choose exceptionally good things from trusted;
  • If you do not know what to wear and if you get confused in the new trends, choose the classics; So you can look stylish at any age;
  • No advertising stickers and frankly erotic images; It looks very rotten and disgusting;
  • The exact match of clothing to the size of your physical parameters; Everything should be strictly according to the figure.

A few words about shoes. It should be cleaned and not look pretty shabby. Of course, it should harmoniously combine with all other items of clothing. It is acceptable to have in the wardrobe different types of shoes - moccasins, shoes of different colors.

No matter how stylish and fashionable the clothes are, but if you are not tidy and can’t take care of your clothes, your chances to impress and meet Ukrainian women are minimal.
Also, improving your skills and tastes, it is worthwhile to pay attention in parallel to sports and physical exercises. A fat, flabby body or thin, slender arms is unlikely to be safely hidden behind stylish things. Dirty nails, the smell of "cabbies" and other signs of "masculinity" will forever turn away from you any girl, even if you flaunt branded things. Straight back, confident manners, athletic figure, well-groomed appearance, restrained smile, relevant humor of the seducer is something that any woman or girl can resist, no matter how arrogant or inaccessible they may seem. (Read also What do Ukrainian Women Like about Foreign Men?)

And if you add to this your ability to dress stylish and modern - the question of finding the girl of your dreams will be just a matter of time for you. But good clothes are just 50% of your success. You should also have an excellent sense of humor in order to interest the woman you like. Also humor helps to Write Ukrainian Women the First Message?

A person who has a healthy sense of humor, understandable for most people, quickly achieves mutual understanding in dealing with them, and finds a social link more easily.

If you are able to make a girl laugh, then without special effort you bring her a feeling of special connection, you will achieve a trusting relationship. Laughter is a source of positive emotions, and emotions, in our time, are sorely lacking in detente. That's why the girls are drawn to the cheerful and positive guys that illuminate their monotonous life with the radiant light of positive emotions.

You can interview 10 000 girls, and all as one will tell you that they have a sense of humor in the priority among the other preferences when choosing a man.
How to develop a sense of humor?
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Here are the tips that help develop a healthy sense of humor.

  • Watching people, gushing humor, do not focus on their phrases. Much more important are the attendant factors: the associative perception of these phrases, the tonality of the voice and the emotional setting. Looking at humorous TV shows, visiting comedy clubs, you have to take into account the difference in the age range of humor.
  • Humor should be dosed and relevant, so as not to be known as a clown. Your jokes should make people laugh at your jokes, but not over you.
  • Do not be too serious about yourself. Witty self-deprecating jokes, within reasonable limits, can only emphasize your high status and be highly appreciated. If someone throws a friendly joke at your address, do not be angry, but on the contrary - laugh with everyone from the heart.
  • Develop a comprehensive sense of humor. There are many types of humor: satirical, humor with sarcasm, ironic, humor of farce. If you constantly use only one type of humor, that is, joke monotonously, then it is easy to cause irritation.
  • Do not hesitate to laugh at someone else's jokes, even if they are not quite funny. Such encouragement on your part motivates other "humorists" to laugh at your jokes, which causes positive emotions and increases your social connection.

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