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What do Ukrainian Women Like about Foreign Men?

Probably this article will not reveal a great mystery, but we would like to share some tips that will tell the secret of success for the girls. To be more concrete we want to show what Ukrainian women like about foreign men. What should be a real man in order to impress Ukrainian women?


impress Ukrainian women

Every woman dreams of seeing a real man next to her, a knight in armor and on the white horse. Of course, not always the fairy-tale image coincides with reality, but it’s possible to become a man of a dream for Ukrainian girls.

So, if to make the ideal portrait, what should be your real man, then he must have the following qualities and be able to do many things.



  • Thanks to this feature a man can be called a man, since a man of courage combines the strength of spirit, nobility, honor and courage. So the man possessing this quality is pretty close to the medieval image of his worthy ancestors.
  • A man should be brave: for himself and for his woman. Unfortunately very often a lot of modern men hide behind the backs of their wives or "mummies."
  • Previously, life was much simpler, and, consequently, less responsibility. He killed the beast, brought prey and again to the hunt: here is an approximate "graph" of the ancient average husband. But now the man has much more responsibility in the modern world. It is necessary not only to be able to feed and protect your family, but also be able to think.
  • Unfortunately, this remarkable quality is enjoyed only by a few representatives of the stronger sex. What kind of honesty can be there, if men even deceive their wives! Of course, the main thing is to be honest with yourself and with your soul mate.
  • This is to some extent a synonym for honesty, therefore it is a rather rare quality among the male population of our planet. Imagine a 100% decent man is almost impossible, because he must love, feed and protect his family, do not betray his wife with other women, respect the old, never deceive anyone and do not commit shameful deeds. Yes, such an image is, most likely, an utopia. Do you know such a man? Really? It immediately needs to be delivered to the museum, as a rare and valuable antiques.
  • A man should not be lazy, because on his shoulders is also the care of the family, and the main earnings, and many household chores with which the woman is not able to cope on her own. Of course, there are a lot of men, preferring time on the couch in front of the TV with a jar of beer.
  • This is an inherent quality of every standing man, especially if he has a family. It is impossible to raise and educate children without a good character. One of the signs of kindness is love of animals and respect for elderly people. So pay attention to your new acquaintance (if you have far-reaching plans for him), how he treats animals and how he speaks about his parents or about his grandparents. Thus, it is easy to see his real face.
  • Since the man is the head of the family, then he must be intelligent. The issue of earnings, the solution of domestic problems, assistance in the upbringing of children and physical work at home - all this lies on the man's shoulders. After all, for the organization and calculation of all of the above, the mind plays an important role.
  • Sense of humor. Without a sense of humor, it's hard to live in the whole world. Without it, a man will not subjugate a woman; he will not laugh, when he needs to. A sense of humor in modern reality is vitally important, because, as one famous satirist said, "if it was not so funny, it would be very scary." You should know how to make Ukrainian women smile.
  • Attractiveness and sexuality. It is a mistake to think that the representatives of the stronger sex should not be attractive externally. I do not mean a pretty face, but I'm talking about real male attractiveness and sexuality, so that the woman next to him would be nice and safe.
  • Be near. Although men have no intuition, but each of them still must have some sixth sense to know when a woman needs him.
  • Mutual assistance. One actor once said that he does not divide work at home on female and male. He can cook and wash, and sew a button on his shirt, and change the baby's pampers. It should be so. If earlier the woman had only domestic chores, now she works no worse as men, and, unlike some countries, spends the whole day at work. Therefore, a real man now simply has no right to tell his wife, who, just like him, came home from work that he is tired and will not do anything.
  • I'm not talking about the Metrosexuals, who do not care about anything but their appearance. Any person should observe at least the minimum rules of personal hygiene and take care of their appearance. After all, whatever one may say, they always meet by their clothes.
  • Be mobile. In the frenzied rhythm of modern life, you can not sit in one place, otherwise you will not be able to feed yourself or feed your family.
  • This line of masculine character flows smoothly from the previous one. A man should be able to solve any problems independently, without outside help: be it financial issues or household problems. After all, he is a man, and that means a lot.
  • Yes, probably, now this quality characterizes swan relations rather than human ones. Although, ideally, any man should have devotion.
  • Own opinion. A man should not be henpecked, but always have his own opinion and his unbreakable principles.


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